MiniCamp @ Jaipur
Hello everyone,

. The Minicamp jaipur which held on 17th August was one of the biggest event organized by Mozilla Community Rajasthan. The event had a great scope, from the time where the idea to organise a big event, where all the members from Rajasthan can come under one roof for something of such a big scale it was indeed the best event i have attended till now :)
Special Sticker Swags for the Minicamp
Momento Signed by every attendee
The event kick started with the memento signing by all the attendees. With a single sign everybody engraved their love for Mozilla on a single chart paper. Now the challenge was to bring people from different colleges, regions on a common platform and for this idea given by Vineel worked like a charm. All we needed to do was to call random two people from group and ask them to meet as a long lost friend : simple and Effective. This Initiated the event with everyone knowing each other and passing all the energy to the participants.
Then Vineel (Mozilla India Community Liaison ) briefed everyone about what is Mozilla and Mozilla Mission. Vineel also explained what exactly is Firefox OS and what market should be expecting from the upcoming FxOS in the current mobile industry.
The Main Lead organizers that is Osho Parth and Trishul goel kept themselves to the organizers role and passed on the sessions duties to me ( Adit bharadwaj ), i handled the "Webmaker Session" , Tushar Arora handled the new concept of making apps without code thats "App-maker", Lavish Aggarwal handled the "App-dev Session". The sessions were running parallely, so that participants have the choice to go for coding or non-coding areas. The sessions leads didn't alone make the difference they were assisted by many team members and helped them spread the knowledge of Web-literacy.
“Ali Baba 40 thieves”
After all the sessions completed, we had an Ice-Breaker session i.e “Ali Baba 40 thieves” to cheer up the participants who were sitting for more than an hour doing coding or making makes. Everybody danced to the full enjoyment and busted up the floor.
After that Raj Suthar explained various contribution verticals in which one can contribute to Mozilla. The idea was delivered that anyone can contribute to Mozilla by as simple as even Tweeting.
Trishul Goel then explained a bit about mozilla code base, Bugzilla and a bit Geeky part. We started each session with collecting ideas and pasting it over idea tanks.
We had Sticked the "Idea Canvas" on the various session Walls, the attendees pasted their idea on the Canvas and had a huge response.
We then called up various attendees and one by one they spoke about what they felt about the event and what they were able to achieve.
Moving towards the end we awarded prizes to the best performer from each sessions . We had a small evening snacks break, after filling up then came the Photo-sessions. All Pictures can be found on Flickr(MCR). The local newspaper also coverd the event.
Thank you to everyone who attended the event and helped it make it a grand success.
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