App-Day @ JNU

Hello everyone, App-Day @ jnu was the second app-development event conducted by me and my club " UNICORN CLUB " , at my college "Jaipur National University, Jaipur.". This was a two- day event which held on 29th and 30th August, 2014. The event's main purpose was to teach university grads, to hack, innovate and build beautiful Apps. The event was divided into two session per day, attendees were divided according to the applications they have filled during registrations. The volunteers at this event were : Pratish Mahajan Ayush Gupta Netra Padegaonkar Aekta Bhakar 29th August,2014: 1st Sessions The event introduction part was divided into two parallel session going on in two different campuses simultaneously, as the first session was for everyone who want to know abou the App development in Firefox OS and HTML web-app development. Seedling Campus: ...